
Typically, with large, heavy equipment and 机械 there is also a large financial investment. 因此, it’s crucial that these valuable assets are crated and transported properly and carefully. 这意味着有效 重型设备运输 requires more than simply placing items on a truck and strapping or chaining them down.

Expert industrial equipment movers understand that there are questions that have to be answered and a process that must be followed to ensure that items make it from their point of origin to their destination undamaged and on time. Not every company with the ability to haul large assets has the background in 机械 crating, blocking and bracing necessary to execute an uneventful move.

和, 当然, 当涉及到重型设备运输, the “shake test” you might use to see if the contents of a box you are mailing are properly cushioned isn’t really an option since the item to be transported weighs many hundreds or thousands of pounds!

Assessing Your 设备 or 机械 Asset for 装箱 and 十大网络彩票平台大全

一个很好的起点 设备和机械的包装和运输 is to gather the people in your organization who understand the item best and ask them key questions about the project. 这包括:

  • Can the item be broken down into smaller components for shipping? If so, should it be, or does that create more problems than it solves?
  • If the item will be disassembled and reassembled at the destination site, who will perform that work?
  • Are there actions that must be performed to address the safety of the item or the people who handle it? For example, are there batteries that should be removed or fluids that should be drained?
  • Does the item need to be transported in a closed container, 或者它能忍受暴露在自然环境中吗?
  • Will any modifications be needed at the site where the item will be installed or stored? This might include things such as removing doors or wall sections to allow for the item to be moved inside.
  • How much time is needed to make the machine or heavy equipment operational at the destination site, 这对发货时间有何影响?
  • 这个东西有多重,尺寸是多少?
  • Do the item’s dimensions mean that it is considered an “oversize load” by any of the states or countries through which it will be transported?
  • 板条箱上还有别的东西吗, packaging and shipping logistics company will need to know to safely transport the item? For example, does the item’s manufacturer have recommendations for crating or packaging it?

一旦这些问题得到回答, you’ll have a good understanding of the scope of your 重型设备运输 project. 随着船期的临近, it’s also important to keep an eye on the weather forecast and how it might affect travel conditions.


Reviewing the Rules and Regulations for 重型设备 十大网络彩票平台大全

Your specialty crating and shipping company can help you understand the laws governing your shipment and whether any special permitting will be required. 然而, 做一些你自己的研究也是一个好主意, especially if you haven’t shipped 机械 and heavy equipment before or recently.

Different jurisdictions have different rules and regulations regarding moving large items. They have these laws in place because shipping 机械 and heavy equipment can be dangerous, 城市和州想要保护他们的财产, including the roadways your shipment will travel on and the overpasses it will travel under.

Choosing a Specialty 装箱 and 十大网络彩票平台大全 Logistics Company

如上所述, 生产设备等物品的运输, 农业设备, bulldozers and other earthmoving machines or any especially large asset isn’t something that just any shipping company can do. In fact, many companies will wisely decline the job if it’s outside their capabilities.

在研究工业设备搬运工, you should look for one that has expertise in some or all of these areas, 根据工作需要:

You also want to work with a company that can assist you in securing insurance coverage if needed.


Once you have a “short list” of providers, contact each to 获得报价. 然后, 当你回顾评估时, look for the balance of expertise and cost that makes the most sense for your project, keeping in mind the potential consequences if an asset is damaged or destroyed in transit. You should also ask for references and reach out to those people to learn about their experience.

设备 and 机械 装箱 and 十大网络彩票平台大全: Planning is the Key

和喷气发动机一样大, crane or industrial furnace may seem as you look up at it, 运送物品并不一定是困难的. In fact, the process shouldn’t be significantly different from shipping any common business asset.

You simply have to be methodical in how you prepare for the move and vet and select the crating and shipping company you want to partner with on the project. That company should help you put together a detailed shipping strategy, 一旦你检查了所有的盒子, you can sit back and wait to receive confirmation that the item has arrived safely at its destination.