
People have been transporting goods by boat for thousands of years. 在那个时候, 海运已经发生了很大的变化, 从使用的容器类型来看, 到穿越不同水域所花费的时间.

然而, there are also many aspects that haven’t changed about this method of moving assets from one port to another. 一方面, 世界上的海洋是广阔的, uncrowded paths for transporting goods and materials that many businesses rely on. Another constant with 海运 is that the waterways are a harsh environment that can wreak havoc on assets that aren’t properly protected.

How can you and your shipping company help ensure that your goods get to their destination port in as-shipped condition? 我们在下面提供一些见解.

Humid, Salty Air: An Enemy of Sensitive or Rust-Prone Items, But One That Can Be Defeated

地球上很少有地方像公海那样潮湿. 再加上盐的腐蚀性, 而且你掌握了对宝贵资产造成严重损害的方法. Metal items and sensitive electronics are particularly vulnerable.

Fortunately, there are steps you can take to keep humid, salty air away from your oceangoing goods. Vapor-barrier bags prevent moisture from getting to items during ocean transport. 这种类型的袋子放在物品周围并密封, and then the air within them is removed with a specialized vacuum system.

Often what’s called an activated desiccant is also placed inside the bag before it is sealed. 干燥剂是吸收水分的物质. You may be familiar with the small packets inside shoe boxes or packages containing other items that can be damaged by moisture.

Proper packaging of ocean freight also typically includes humidity indicator cards. 放在袋子里, these cards can be viewed when the shipped item arrives at its destination to determine how much humidity it was exposed to. 在整个行程中需要实时监控, humidity indicator plugs that project through the vapor-barrier bag can be used. That way the humidity level of the air closest to the item can be checked at any time.



Another challenge associated with 海运 is keeping items from being damaged in rough seas. 用卡车运输的货物, train or plane may be jostled a bit as a result of rough roads or tracks, 或者湍流的空气, 但它往往是最小的运动量.

当然,海洋是一种完全不同的动物! While ocean freight companies do their best to steer clear of the roughest water, in some instances there is simply no escaping large waves that can toss a massive cargo ship around as if it is a toy boat.

因此,举例来说,一件设备是怎样的 包装装箱 在海运方面尤为重要. That includes how the item is blocked and braced within a crate or other container. Simply filling the remaining space in a container with cushioning material often isn’t enough to prevent damage if a cargo ship encounters particularly rough water. 专家的技能和专业知识 包装工程师 是至关重要的,如果你是海运货物. Read how freight is secured inside a sea container for overseas shipping.


对于不熟悉 海运 to 国际港口, the biggest “threat” to a shipment can occur after it has arrived at its destination. Most foreign countries have strict requirements regarding the use of wooden crates. 这是因为木箱可以藏匿害虫, 在理论上, 在目的地国家引起虫害.

什么叫 国际植物检疫措施标准. 15 (or ISPM 15 for short) requires that all wood used in crate construction be treated to kill pests and certified as such. The so-called “bug stamp” is a mark on a wooden crate indicating that the shipper has complied with ISPM 15规则.

The “threat” referred to above is that customs officials in the destination country have the power to detain shipments if their ISPM 15 status is unclear, 甚至在某些情况下摧毁它们. 因此, you should not send shipments overseas in wood crates without understanding and complying with all phytosanitary requirements.


Expert Logistics: Vital to the Safe Arrival of Your Ocean Freight Shipments

Protecting your assets from the rigors of ocean shipping and the actions of customs officials is very important. 随时知道你的货在哪里也很重要. Because ocean shipping takes longer than other forms of transportation, it’s easy to be lulled into a sense that everything is proceeding as planned.

当然,通常情况下是这样. 但仍, 与专业人士合作是很重要的, 像crater这样的包装和运输公司 & 十大网络彩票平台大全 that has extensive experience in tracking the location of shipments and helping to ensure that their journey goes smoothly.

Not only do we leverage the most advanced technology to “keep tabs” on every shipment we coordinate, 但我们也有一个巨大的, worldwide network of contacts that can serve as our eyes and ears should something go wrong with any particular system. Plus, 通过与我们的海外联系人保持联系, we frequently get advance notice of issues that may impact trade routes. That allows us to be proactive in working with transportation providers to develop alternative plans.

Avoid Maritime Misadventures With the Help of Ocean Freight 十大网络彩票平台大全 Experts

就像在满载的驳船上掉头一样, correcting issues that occur on an ocean voyage can require tremendous resources and a great deal of time. A much better approach is to avoid issues altogether by working with a company like Craters & 十大网络彩票平台大全 that has a deep understanding of the challenges companies face when utilizing ocean transport and the optimal solutions for those challenges.

新成立的船运公司, or one that rarely handles engagements that involve ocean freight, may tell you they are confident about their ability to shepherd your shipment successfully, 然而, 信心不是经验的对手.